SOLID WOOD BOTTOM BOARD (8 or 10 Frame) Painted $ 32.95 These bottom boards are made of solid pine, fully assembled, primed and painted for many years of service.
SCREENED BOTTOM BOARD WITH SLANTED LANDING BOARD (8 or 10 Frame Only) New for 2024 - now available in 8 Frame $ 46.95
This heavy-duty screened bottom board includes a removable debris board for varroa mite checks it is made of solid pine and comes fully assembled primed and painted for years of service..
ULTIMATE IPM BOTTOM BOARD (10 Frame only) $ 43.25
This bottom board is packed with features including removable/reversible mouse guards, embedded stainless steel mesh, removable inspection board, self-draining edges, alignment pins for hive bodies, and an angled landing board. It is made of BPA free tough polymer, that never needs to be painted.