HIVE STAND $ 55.00 This sturdy hive stand in constructed from pressure treated 2"x4"s. and screwed at multiple points to ensure years of service. Fits an 8 or 10 frame hive body, solid or screen bottom board. ** Top cover, hive body & bottom board NOT included **
FRAME REST ( 8 OR 10 Frame ) Single - $ .55 10 Pack $ 5.50 100 Pack $ 52.50
Installs on the frame rest of your deep or medium hive bodies and makes cleaning your frame rest much easier without gouging the wood.
WOOD ENTRANCE REDUCER $ 2.95 (8 or 10 Frame) Reduces the bottom entrance of your hive to restrict the cold weather and keep the mice out during the winter months.
STAINLESS STEEL MOUSE GUARD (8 or 10 Frame) $ 12.95
Once piece stainless steel will allow the bees to pass through while keeping the mice out.
METAL BOUND QUEEN EXCLUDER (8 or 10 Frame) $ 12.95
Placed in-between the top brood box and honey supers this Queen excluder keeps the queen from laying brood in the honey supers.
Placed in-between the top brood box and honey supers this Queen excluder keeps the queen from laying brood in the honey supers.
BEE ESCAPE SCREEN (8 or 10 Frame) $ 24.75
Serves as a one way door allowing bees to escape but prevents them from re-entering the honey supers during harvest time.
DOUBLE SCREEN BOARD (8 or 10 Frame) $ 29.95
Double screens are used in swarm prevention and new colony building while utilizing only one bottom board. Frames with queen cells are moved up along with brood and stores and separated by the double screen which has its own entrance. If the virgin queen from above mates successfully then split the top box off to produce your new split. If not successful, remove the screen and rejoin the colony.
BEE SMART ROBBING SCREEN (8 or 10 Frame) $ 12.95
Stops robbing from bees, yellow jackets, etc with this cleverly designed robbing screen. It features easy hinged openings, small holes for ventilation to keep odors down and adapts to fit virtually any bottom board. push pins included.
Avoid swarming and ensure that your queen stays in the hive. May need to be pinned in place.